Regional Breakouts

We are planning to explore regional activities and networks at GMC 2019 and are having 3 Regional breakouts to work together on this.

Please get involved – this is your chance to discuss and decide what helps you the most in your region.

The GMN want to support regional mobilizers – we are not looking to duplicate all the good work already being done in many regions, nor dictate how things will look in your region.

In the breakouts we will be asking the following questions:

  • Who is present from each region? What ministry are they engaged with? – Getting to know each other.
  • What is already going on in the regions? Where are the gaps and the needs?
  • How can GMN members working together best serve the region? What partnership ideas can we take forward that meet the agreed needs?
  • Who in the region is best placed to take ideas forward? How should that work be progressed?

Each breakout has some facilitators and a link person from the Executive Leadership Team. They are there to help move the conversations forward during GMC. Each breakout must decide who the best people are to move the partnerships forward after the GMC.

Principles for regional working

  • Regional activities/networks can support mobilizers in between GMC’s
  • Regional activities/networking can get more mobilizers engaged together
  • Regional activities/networks will NOT duplicate existing work in their area and will seek to actively partner with churches, mobilizers and relevant organisations
  • Regional activities/networking will look at filling the gaps – where can they support in the region?
  • Regional /activities/networking will be impact focussed and be able to demonstrate a difference
  • Regional leadership will be agreed within the region